Arizona - Somewhat Dramatic Tree

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Look, I actually took a shot in portrait orientation! (more things atop the Grand Canyon)


DJ Higgywhack -- takin' pictures. Yes!

Holy crap, somebody posts on my blog and it's not spam! Hi Luke. (for the peanut gallery, Luke shared a house with me an Jannea for a while during that whole FSU problem)


Yay Luke!...and Yay Chris!!

"[D]uring that whole FSU problem..."?

Gosh, I'm gonna have to search the blog for more info on this... I love FSU problems, especially ones I was living in!

Arrrgh.... the site search and Google are turning up bupkiss in good Tally gossip.

Is it true that you got married, DJ Higgywhack? Are you still in Portland? How are the townies?

I downloaded some of Will's free mp3s... they are great. That man is going to be a super star any day now. I've been saying that since college, but mark my words..... any day now. Greatest actor of our generation, I say.

P'shaw...(blushes, wets pants).

Post some GBV fotos, beee-OTCH!

Luke - true that I got married, yes. And am still in Portland, still doing web stuff. Woo! The townies don't shoot as much here, or at least they don't leave visible holes in things. All in all it's pretty relaxed.

What's up with Mr. Crow?


Oh, I'm still in NYC, still trying to get some screenwriting done... still working all hours in a cubicle while I wait for the big break... growing older by the minute, etc... I've had the same girlfriend for a few years now, so all is well in that department. Are you still in touch with The Artist Formerly Known as Psycho Kevin? I haven't spoken with him in ages. Or JanJan, for that matter. A large portion of the old Tallahassee Pop Mafia now resides in NY, though, so I run into Tally indies on occasion at bars. Otherwise, not much to report here. Crazy that you got married... and now I hear a rumor that Feldman is getting married as well? I wonder if this means that I've now passed the expiration date where I can go back to college and pick up Freshman girls...

I haven't seen Kevin in yeeeears, probably 2001 or so. Last I heard he was doing some screenwriting and stuff in CA somewhere. Robofilms went away around that time.

I've seen Jannea a couple of times though it's been a while too -- she's in LA now I think, doing a band thing with Jake, her boyfriend from Tallahassee! Kick Me Kate (now defunct I believe) played in Portland in 2001 sometime and I hung out with/hosted them then a bit.

I hear Paul is indeed getting married.

I think you could still pick up Freshman girls. At FSU anyway.


COMMENT SPAM. Haha -- I'm spamming the comment area of your site. But only on this one picture post. The comments here, in fact, should be enshrined, and we shalt rename this page the Tally page. All hail the ex-Tallys.

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Contacting Chris Higgins

I'm a writer based in Portland, Oregon. I mostly write for Mental Floss magazine (and their website), though I just had a story on This American Life, and had a cover story a few weeks back in The Portland Mercury. You can follow me on Twitter for occasional jokes and complaints about the weather.

I'm also an iPhone developer. Working with Night & Day Studios, I helped create Peekaboo Barn, Peekaboo Wild, Big Fat Lies, Life in Short, Cocktail Compass, Nick Jr.'s A-Z With Moose and Zee, Quibble, Savage Love, and a bunch of other apps.

Need to contact me? Click the following link, follow the instructions, and you'll have my email address: get Chris's email address.

Note: I'm not the (apparently famous) hockey player with the same name! You'll have to find his homepage in order to contact him.