Went to San Francisco

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Mary and I went to SF (Alameda actually) for the 4th, which was fun. There was limited drinking (though alcohol everywhere due to it being California), and grilling of meats and such. This year there was a Bush's Head pinata, rather than last year's Bush's Ass pinata. There will be photos of the new one eventually. It was very well-made (not by me). Mary was the one who finally broke it. There were gross Mounds bars inside.


Mmm, grimy dried food flakes suspended in goo. Once I tried to get M&Ms out of the machine and it gave me a mounds bar instead.

i can't believe you thought the mounds bars were gross. i noticed they all got eaten right away (unlike the wierdly stale mini-peanutbutter cups, which i had to bring to work).

I'm not a big eater of the coconuts, you see. Last year the mini-candybars were a big hit with me. I did have some Crackle (Krackle?) bars from the Bush this year. Those were good.

Contacting Chris Higgins

I'm a writer based in Portland, Oregon. I mostly write for Mental Floss magazine (and their website), though I recently had a story on This American Life, and had a cover story last year in The Portland Mercury.

You can follow me on Twitter for occasional jokes, or find me on Facebook for updates on writing and utterly shameless self-promotion.

I'm also a mobile website and smartphone app developer. I work for Cloud Four. In years past, I worked with Night & Day Studios; I helped create Peekaboo Barn, Peekaboo Wild, Big Fat Lies, Life in Short, Cocktail Compass, Nick Jr.'s A-Z With Moose and Zee, Quibble, Savage Love, and a bunch of other apps.

Need to email me? Click the following link, follow the instructions, and you'll have my email address: get Chris's email address.

Copyright Notice: All material on this website is copyright © 2012 Chris Higgins. All rights reserved. If you want to use a photo or other content, please contact me -- my rates are reasonable.

Note: I'm not the (apparently famous) hockey player with the same name! You'll have to find his homepage in order to contact him.